
A Facility is a physical CityTeam location, which is equipped to accomodate overnight Guests. This application will be used to check in Guests each evening, keeping track of which sleeping mats (or other accomodations) each Guest has been assigned to.

List View

When you select the Admin -> Facilities view, you will see a list of previously defined Facilities. If you are the superuser user, you will see all of them. Otherwise, you will only see the Facility (or Facilities) for which your username has permissions to access.

Facilities List

The database has been preloaded with Facility information about all current CityTeam Facilities, so you should normally not need to make any changes.

Details View

If you are the superuser user, you can add a new Facility by clicking the Add button, or edit an existing Facility by clicking on it in the list. Otherwise, these controls will be disabled.

Facility Details

Field Definitions

Field Name Required Description
Name Yes Formal name of this Facility. Must be globally unique.
Scope Yes Prefix for permission scope. See below for more info. Must be globally unique.
Address 1 No First line of street address.
Address 2 No Second line of street address.
City No City name of street address.
State No State abbreviation of street address. If present, must be valid.
Zip Code No Zip code of street address.
Email Address No Contact email address of this Facility.
Phone Number No Phone number of this Facility (including area code).
Active Yes Flag indicating whether this Facility is active or not.

The Scope field deserves some particular attention. When a User is registered, they will be assigned one or more Scope values of the form


where {FACILITY_SCOPE} is the value listed on the Facility, and {PERMISSION} is either admin or regular. It is possible, but not common, to assign more than one such scope to a particular user.

Return to the Overview or follow one of the links at the side of the page to explore other administrative information that you might encounter.