
A User is an individual person (or group of people, depending on your administrator’s choice) that are authorized to log in to the CityTeam Checkins application. What each person is allowed to do will be defined by the Scope field, as described below.

For security reasons, only a user with superuser permissions is allowed to view or manage users.

List View

When you select the Admin -> Users view, you will see a list of previously defined Users for the entire application.

Users List

You will note that each user has at least one Scope value, which is made up of:

  • The scope value from the Facility (by default, we used the three-letter airport code of the nearest major airport).
  • A colon (:).
  • The word admin or regular, depending on whether this user has administrative permissions for the specified Facility, or just regular permissions. If the user has been assigned administrative permissions, they inherit all the things that regular users can do as well.

Details View

User Details

Note that the Password field is blank, even though a password was previously assigned. Only fill this field in on an existing User if you wish to change their current password!. For security reasons, there is no ability to recover what the existing password is, so you must change it if the user forgets.

Field Definitions

Field Name Required Description
Name Yes Name or description of this user.
Scope Yes Permission value(s) as described above.
Username Yes Login username of this user. Must be globally unique.
Password See Note Login password of this user. Required on new users, only entered to change password on existing users.