How do I find the application?
You will be using a standard web browser to operate the application. The URL
to access it will depend on how and where the application is installed. For
the typical case where it is installed on a laptop computer at the location
where you will be performing the checkin operations, the URL will usually be
For convenience, whoever is setting up your environment should create a bookmark for this in your web browser.
I’m here, what’s next?
In order to use the application, you will need to log in with the username
and password assigned to you by your local administrator. Click the
Log In
button at the top of the screen, and you will see a way to enter
these credentials:
Enter your assigned username and password, and click the Log In
at the bottom of the form. If your credentials are correct, you will be
welcomed to the application on it’s “Home” page:
Now what can I do?
See Starting the Day for the next step.